Museums and galleries 21. a century together against the threats of the climate crisis
The Slovak Mining Museum in Banská Štiavnica is organising a major international colloquium on the impact of the climate crisis on the management of public institutions such as museums, office and public buildings. This event, as one of the main activities of the Green Mission project, is intended for professionals from the museum and public administration fields and aims to open an important discussion on the greening and sustainability of the operation of these institutions.

The colloquium also raises important questions about linking green management and innovation in order to preserve the historical value of spaces and thus promote sustainable development in the context of cultural heritage.
The colloquium has the ambition to inspire other public institutions to be environmentally responsible and to look for ways in which public institutions can contribute to climate change mitigation and become active agitators for sustainability and environmental awareness.
26. - 27 June 2024
The Old Castle
Starozamocká 11, Banská Štiavnica
Wednesday 26.6.2024
The Knight's Hall
8:00 - 9:00 Registration of participants
9:00 - 10:20
A) Innovative forms of environmental education in museum environments
- KICKOVÁ, Květa (Museum of Považie region, Žilina, SR)
Botanic research as a model tool of communication about climate at the regional level - HRČKOVÁ, Lucia; BEŇO, Ján (Central Slovak Museum, Banská Bystrica, SR)
Environmental activities of the Central Slovak Museum in Banská Bystrica - BARLÍKOVÁ, Otília; JANICKÝ, Dušan; LÍŠKOVÁ, Petra (Ľubovňa Museum, Stará Ľubovňa, SR)
Natural returns – animals in the Museum of Folk Architecture in Stará Ľubovňa and their role in a sustainable residential area of the 21st c. - TÁBORSKÝ, Ondřej (National Museum, Praha, CR)
How to present global challenges
10:20 - 10:40 Break
- HALAŠ, Jakub (Museum Říčany, CR)
Museum Říčany - 15 years of education for a sustainable future - ČIHÁKOVÁ, Kateřina (Museum Říčany, CR)
How museums can address climate change - NEUBAUEROVÁ, Jaroslava; HERMÉLYI GECELOVSKÁ, Erika (Mining Museum in Rožňava, SR)
Incorporation of ecology related topics in the Rožňava Mining Museum’s educational activities
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 15:00
B) Opportunities for public institutions in the context of global climate challenges
- CHABADA, Tomas (Institute 2050, Bratislava, SR)
Attitudes of the Slovak public towards climate protection and transformation of society - GALLAYOVÁ, Zuzana (Centre for Environmental and Ethical Education Živica, Zvolen, SR)
Working together at the local level to make a difference - examples of good practice in environmental education - SZABÓOVÁ, Lilla (Slovak Environmental Agency Dropie, Zemianska Olča, SR)
Adaptation measures – their implementation and use in non-formal contexts at the Dropie Environmental Education Centre (SEV) - VAJLIKOVÁ, Katarína (Slovak Environmental Agency Dropie, Zemianska Olča, SR)
Climate education in the Environmental Education Centre SAŽP DROPIE - HRONČOVÁ, Daniela (European Climate Pact, Bratislava, SR)
Environmental calendar and educational activities - ĎURICOVÁ, Anna; ŠVECOVÁ, Emília (Slovak Mining Museum, Banská Štiavnica, SR)
Green Mission in the Slovak Mining Museum in Banská Štiavnica
15:00 - 15:30 Break
C) New perspectives on cultural heritage conservation and presentation considering the aspect of sustainability
- MATEJKOVÁ, Adriana (Slovak Mining Banská Štiavnica, SR)
A new challenge for the Slovak Mining Museum (SBM) – ecological approaches to the protection of the SBM collections (2020 – 2024) - STUEN, June (Dalane Folkemuseum, Egersund, NO)
Climate-wise! - BØHN-PETTERSEN, Siv Grethe (Dalane Folkemuseum, Egersund, NO)
Jøssingfjord Science Museum - PERLÍK, Dušan; SLÁNSKY, Jiří (National Gallery, Prague; JIKA-CZ s.r.o., Czech Republic)
Applying operation costs minimisation in the design of the National Gallery in Prague's new depository building
18:00 - 19:00 Guided tour of the city
Wednesday 26.6.2024
St. Michael’s Chapel (The Ossuary)
9:00 - 10:30
D) Open-air museums. Transformation of industrial structures burdening the environment to tourism sites, education, or museum institutions
- ORČÍK, Peter (Slovak Mining Museum, Banská Štiavnica, SR)
The Open-air Mining Museum and its 50 years of operation - KLADIVIK, Eugen (Mining historian, retired, Banská Štiavnica, SR)
Building of the Open-air Mining Museum (BMP) from 1965 to the end of the 20th century - HARVAN, Daniel (Slovak Mining Museum, Banská Štiavnica, SR)
Construction, operation and significance of the Open-air Mining Museum (BMP) in the memories of its builders - PATERA, Lukáš (Slovak Mining Museum, Banská Štiavnica, SR):
History of the Open-air Mining Museum’s exhibits obtained from mining plants in eastern Slovakia - TUREK, Maroš (Slovak Opal Mines, Ltd., Červenica, SR)
An opal mine in the lap of nature
10:30 - 10:40 Break
- LUŽINA, Lubomír (Slovak Mining Museum, Banská Štiavnica, SR)
Reconstruction and extension of the entrance building of the Open-air Mining Museum (BMP) in 2005 – 2006 - KAŇA, Richard (Slovenská banská mining company, Ltd., Hodruša Hámre, SR)
Exhibition and exposition activities designed for the general public within the conditions of the mining organization Slovenská banská, Ltd. Hodruša Hámre - JANČULOVÁ, Miroslava (Museum of Kysuce region, Čadca, SR)
Transformation of the Kysuce-Orava Forest Railway into an organic part of the Museum of Kysuce Village in Vychylovka - JURÁŠ, Jiří (Zlaté hory Region of Treasures, Zlaté hory, ČR)
The Poštovní (Postal) Mine in Zlaté Hory - JUŘINOVÁ, Šárka (Regional Museum in Jílové u Prahy, CR)
Jílovský gold mining district – Mines in the administration of the Regional Museum in Jílové u Prahy
12:20 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 15:00 Guided tour of the Open-air Mining Museum
Thursday 27.6.2024
The Knight's Hall
8:30 - 10:00
E) Conversions of industrial cultural heritage as inspirational opportunities
- URGELOVÁ, Katarína (HAUS Atelier, Banská Štiavnica, SR)
Conversion of the Ludovika shaft in Kremnica - RUKOVANSKA, Marcela (Pradiareň 1900, Bratislava, SR)
Implementation of energy-saving and ecological solutions in the building of the restored Pradiareň 1900 national cultural monument – view of technical management and administration - REPISKÝ, Rudolf (Magnesite Industrial Plant, Jelšava, SR)
A 100-year-old industrial facility is changing the look of its surroundings - PATERA, Lukáš (Slovak Mining Museum, Banská Štiavnica, SR)
Conversions of industrial sites - examples of good practice from Central Europe
10:00 - 10:20 Break
F) Galleries as platforms for opening up dialogues on environmental issues
- BALÚNOVÁ, Katarína (Gallery of Spiš Artists, Spišská Nová Ves, SR)
Several green records of an oversized black box (introducing an international exhibition) - DANDÁROVÁ BALLASCH, Viera (East Slovak Gallery, Košice, SR)
Sea of Possibilities: Educational exhibition project focused on environmental topics - FILIPIAKOVÁ, Petra (East Slovak Gallery, Košice, SR)
The Moving Landscape Project - TAMÁSOVÁ, Alexandra (Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, SR)
Art, ecology and spirituality
11:40 - 11:50 Break
G) Strategies and implementation of sustainable green solutions in the heritage environment
- NOVÁKOVÁ, Lucia (University of Trnava, Trnava, SR)
Aqua ancestra: from aqueducts to tajchs - VOŠKOVÁ TERAO, Katarína (Faculty of Architecture and Design, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, SR)
Cultural heritage in action – examples of good practice in adaptation of historic complexes - HÚŠŤAVOVÁ, Miriam (Húština Ltd., Banská Štiavnica, SR)
Historical monuments as part of changes in their environment – successes and failures in the search for solutions - MARCINOV, Michal; GULDAN, Eugen (Laboratory of Landscape Architecture Ltd., GuldanArchitects, Ltd., Bratislava, SR)
The culture of decision making in landscape architecture – Landscape-architectural starting points for design with an emphasis on climate change